Upcoming Events

Professional Development Marketing Workshop

Professional Development Marketing Workshop

Join us for our Professional Development Marketing Workshop on July 20th from 10 am to 12 pm. This will be an interactive learning and practical application workshop of marketing concepts to enhance your birth worker business. Our "Pay What You Can" model ensures everyone can participate. RSVP today and contribute any amount you're comfortable with.

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Brunch Meet Up

Brunch Meet Up

We are so excited to be back hosting our Birth Worker Brunches!! If you are a Black/poc doula or aspiring doula please feel free to join us. Send us an email at bdoccinfo@gmail.com to RSVP.

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Brunch Meetup

Brunch Meetup

Join us for our monthly doula brunch meetup! We meet monthly to network, share updates, and connect as doulas. It’s a great time to “let down our hair” and connect on a deeper level.

Location: La Peep, Columbia, SC

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